Honorable Peace

100 Years of Middle East Conflict – How Can Lasting Peace be Secured between the Muslim World and Israel?”

The Heart of the Matter
Albert Einstein is supposed once to have said, “Insanity is, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Something of the kind seems to have stymied all attempts to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Honorable Peace by Gottfried Huttercover_engl_amazon



ISBN-10: 1480872423
ISBN-13: 978-1480872424
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Link: Honorable Peace by Gottfried Hutter, Hardcover, english:



ISBN-10: 1480872431
ISBN-13: 978-1480872431
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Link: Honorable Peace by Gottfried Hutter, Paperback, english:


Kindle Edition

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Link: Honorable Peace by Gottfried Hutter, Kindle Edition, english:



Ehrenhafter Frieden von Gottfried Huttercover_dt_amazon



ISBN-10: 1670224414
ISBN-13: 978-1670224415
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Link: Ehrenhafter Frieden von Gottfried Hutter, Taschenbuch, deutsch:


Kindle Edition deutsch

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Link: Ehrenhafter Frieden von Gottfried Hutter, Kindle Ausgabe, deutsch:


Arabic Version by
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The Arabic edition can also be obtained from the author:



How does this book differ from most other contributions aiming at a solution to the Middle-East conflict

How does this book differ from most other contributions aiming at a solution to the Middle-East conflict?

Honorable Peace
Cover: Honorable Peace – The Book „100 Years of Middle East Conflict – an Honorable Solution. How can the Muslim World make Peace with Israel?”

How does this book differ from most other contributions aiming at a solution to the Middle-East conflict and why does the author believe that his view can lead to a form of peace that will enable all parties to relax and reconcile?
The main difference may be the author’s decision to accord its due place to one of the most potent motivating powers in this part of the world, the religions.

Usually religions are excluded from political considerations. This is due to one of the basic postulates of international law.

For the same reason cultural history is also excluded – and yet Western civilization would not even be thinkable without the contributions of the Bible. Thus, the land of the Bible has a lasting relevance, a fact that merits acknowledgment, especially in regard to the people who brought forth the Bible.



The land of the Bible is of paramount importance to Muslims too

The land of the Bible is of paramount importance
to Muslims too

If Muslims reflect on the origins of their religion, they will admit that all prophets before the prophet Mohammed were biblical prophets. Thus, the land of the Bible is of paramount importance to Muslims too, and this can plainly be seen in Hebron, at the tomb of Abraham, the patriarch of both Jews and Muslims – a truth obscured by the dark realities of today’s unresolved conflict. But that could be quite different. For I see no fundamental obstacle to Muslims’ acknowledging the deep significance of the Jewish religion for the religion of Islam.

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Throwing himself on his brother’s mercy

Throwing himself on his brother’s mercy

The terrible injustice Jacob committed at the expense of his brother Esau called for expiation and Jacob/Israel did indeed atone for it when, faced with the four hundred mercenaries Esau had hired to kill him, he prostrated before Esau seven times to show how deeply he regretted his deception and the pain it had caused.

That great gesture of humility, throwing himself on his brother’s mercy, came at immense cost to Jacob. All night he had struggled, wrestling with one who, when he would not let him go, struck him on the hip and left him limping; but then bestowed on him the name “Israel”, meaning “he who struggled with God and with humans and overcame”.

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Living beside one another with very open borders

Living beside one another with very open borders

Gottfried Huttter

Permitting settlers, to keep their land (of course not confiscated private property), Israel could at last relax, acknowledge the 1967 borders, with certain adjustments, even accept East-Jerusalem as a possible future capital of Palestine – bearing in mind that it also harbors the Jewish Temple Mount, unavoidably subject to future inter-religious negotiations. Reassured by these acknowledgements Israel can withdraw its forces of occupation and thus, move to create two independent states bonded by friendship, living beside one another with very open borders.

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