Honorable Peace – Video 3:54 Minutes English
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Transcript: Honorable Peace – Video 3:54 Minutes English
My name is Gottfried Hutter. And I just completed a book about peace in Israel and Palestine. It became clear to me that all religions are one.
I also got the idea that I should find an enlightened teacher. I visited the Grand Sheikh of a Sufi Tariqa.
And he was really an impressive man. He agreed: all religions are one.
And there is an ideal Biblical example: the conflict between Jacob and Esau. Jacob betrayed his elder brother Esau to get the blessing of his father and thus his inheritance.
Esau was furious! He wanted to kill his brother. Jacob had to flee.
After 21 years Jacob had to return to secure his inheritance.
Esau heard of his brother returning. He hired 400 mercenaries to kill him.
Now Jacob needed reflection. The Bible describes it as a fight with God.
At the end of this struggle Jacob received a new name: the one who fought with God and prevailed, “Israel”!
He confronted his brother Esau – and the 400 armed men were waiting in the background.
Jacob prostrated before his brother Esau and he said: please forgive me.
Esau was so moved from this scene! And said, everything is ok, you are my brother. The country is big enough for both of us.
This is the story of the first Israel!
Jacob managed to make peace, peace between two deadly enemy brothers.
Today I could imagine, Netanyahu could do, what Jacob did: He could prostrate, and he could say to the Arab leaders: We have brought much suffering to you. We apologize. Please forgive us.
And after that, I am sure, the Muslim heads of States will say, we know of the connection of Israel to the land because all our prophets are Biblical prophets.
And after you apologized, we can grant you this land. And we will allow your people to settle all over the Biblical homeland.
Now we can have two countries and we can live in a brotherly manner. Peace is possible for both sides!
And all this I wrote in this book. And the title of my book is “100 Years of Middle East Conflict – Honorable Peace. How Can Lasting Peace Be Secured between the Muslim World and Israel?”

100 Years of Middle East Conflict Cinematic Book Trailer

The Honorable Peace book is now available in Arabic



Honorable Peace on Youtube

Honorable Peace – Video 0:30

Honorable Peace – Video 3:54

A keynote address by Gottfried Hutter

Der Schöpfungsbericht aus therapeutischer Sichtweise; Gottfried Hutter – Bibel TV das Gespräch